Gabri Solera
About Gabri Solera
Degree in Journalism from the Complutense University. Master in Digital and Creative Photography at EFTI. He has participated in Discover PHE 2012 and prestigious fairs such as ARCO, Estampa, Entrefotos, Emergencia Emergencia (Madrid) and MirartePhoto (Guadalajara). He has also held several individual exhibitions in Madrid and other collective exhibitions in places such as the IVAM (Valencia), Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao), Instituto Cervantes, Círculo de Bellas Artes and Ayuntamiento (Madrid), Antonio Saura Foundation (Cuenca) , Holland, Portugal, China and Brazil. He has won competitions such as Alianza Francesa, Olympus, Fotoactitudes, Eurostars Hotels, La Máquina and selected him in competitions such as "Premio Artes Plásticas" (both in Cáceres and Seville), "Jóvenes Creadores", "Imposible de Etiquetar" he traveled through Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Santander), "El Suelo" (exhibited in the Canary Islands). He has published reviews in various places such as New Landscape Photography and Peripheral Arteries (NY), Journal du Net (Paris), Photographic Museum and Shots Photography Competition (London). Participates in the book "Contemporáneos" (30 Photographers Today), edited by La Fábrica. He also works as a photographer and editor for Getty Images.
Professional roles: Journalist, Photographer, Picture Editor