David King

About David King
I have been an enthusiastic photographer since the age of 16 when I started developing and printing my own negatives (both B&W and colour). Many years on from then. with the advent of digital, I gave up my beloved Olympus OM4 and moved to Nikon, progressing from a D300 to D500, and more recently to a full frame Z7 II. For me, digital has unlocked the creative experience, making it much more immediate than before. The capability it offers to evolve one’s perspectives on a chosen subject to find the best representation of one’s artistic vision has re-engaged me with my passion.Composition has always been a key element of my work, and I have studied the techniques of artists to draw the eye and mind of the viewer into an image. Using the immediacy of digital has enabled me to actually slow down the creative process and (perhaps counter-intuitively) to spend much more time exploring a particular subject from every angle, with different lenses and employing a variety of techniques.
Professional roles: Photographer
Location: United Kingdom