Wildlife in the Garden-2016

Wildlife in the Garden

Competition 10 - Category

Category closed

This Category is closed for entries.

About Wildlife in the Garden

In a world where natural habitats are being depleted, gardens are a haven for wildlife. The wild creatures that use our gardens and parks can become familiar companions, or rare and special visitors.

These may be creatures that only you are privileged to see - a nocturnal hedgehog for example - or they could be tiny insects that are easily overlooked - except by the keen photographer! They may be creatures you can only see in a wildlife reserve

This category is about all the creatures that enjoy gardens and parks, from beetles and butterflies to birds and badgers. Try to capture that moment where ‘wildlife in the garden’ becomes an inspiration.

Prizes & Why should I enter?

In a world where natural habitats are being depleted, gardens are a haven for wildlife. The wild creatures that use our gardens and parks can become familiar companions, or rare and special visitors.

These may be creatures that only you are privileged to see - a nocturnal hedgehog for example - or they could be tiny insects that are easily overlooked - except by the keen photographer! They may be creatures you can only see in a wildlife reserve

This category is about all the creatures that enjoy gardens and parks, from beetles and butterflies to birds and badgers. Try to capture that moment where ‘wildlife in the garden’ becomes an inspiration.


Competition details

Online submissions
Entry start date:
February 5, 2016
Closing date:
October 31, 2016, 12 noon GMT

How do I enter?

Online submissions

For help please visit our Frequently-Asked-Questions page.

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Background image

Credit: Thirsty Squirrel by Julian Rad