
Just Hanging Out

Wildlife in the Garden
Just Hanging Out by Fiona Ruck

Image details - Just Hanging Out

Photographer: Fiona Ruck (see profile)
Competition: Competition 17
Category: Wildlife in the Garden
Location: Kooloonbung Creek Nature Reserve, New South Wales, Australia


The grey-headed flying fox, Pteropus poliocephalus is a megabat, endemic to coastal regions of Eastern Australia, and is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Like bees, they are incredibly important pollinators, setting off every day at sunset, in search of fruiting plants and trees, and then spreading up to 60,000 seeds each, in one night! During the day they ‘hang out’ in trees, wrapping themselves with their large wings, resting and sleeping.


Highly Commended - Wildlife in the Garden