Meadow Sunset
Wildflower LandscapesImage details - Meadow Sunset
Wildflower meadow photographed in the evening sunlight. The predominant flower, in this particular meadow, was wild carrot (Daucus carota) with its upright stance and dense umbels of white flowers. I particularly like wild carrot flower heads as they take on several forms as they grow from umbrella-like buds, to domes, and then to concave nest-like seed heads.
Photographing, low down, through foreground foliage and grasses, gives the image a soft look which is further enhanced by the evening sunlight and subtle pinks and reds, from dots of knapweed flowers.
The image was taken at Clock Face Colliery Country Park, a reclaimed coal mine that my grandfather worked at many years ago. The park is now a place of leisure and wildlife where I spend many hours photographing its flora and fauna.