
Daylilies & Cherries

Beautiful Gardens
Daylilies & Cherries by Bożena Piotrowska

Image details - Daylilies & Cherries

Photographer: Bożena Piotrowska (see profile)
Competition: Competition-14
Category: Beautiful Gardens
Location: Wojsławice Arboretum, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland


This National Collection of Hemerocallis (daylily) at Wojsławice has more than 3,000 varieties present - making it Poland’s largest and one of Europe’s largest collections.

The view of the blooming daylilies stretched like coloured ribbons on the hilly terrain and I was fascinated by the contrast between the daylilies and the purple foliage of the cherry trees, which when combined created a magic of their own.


Highly Commended - Beautiful Gardens