Black & White Competition 14 – Single Web Gallery

Top 3 places

Black & White

Photo project - Competition-14

Alan Price

'Long-tailed Tits'

2nd place >> more

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Allan Wright

'Twin Oak Dawn'

3rd place >> more

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Black & White

Photo project - Competition-14

Mary Slingo

'Flowering Icicles'

Finalist >> more

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Highly commended

Black & White

Photo project - Competition-14

Tony Jones

'Plane Winter Skeleton'

Highly Commended >> more

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Royston Curtis

'Reflections of the Mallard Pond'

Highly Commended >> more

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Jon Martin

'Solitary Oak Tree'

Highly Commended >> more

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Dieter Wanjura

'The Statue'

Highly Commended >> more

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Ari Plosker

'Aspens and Snowy Pines'

Highly Commended >> more

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Geoff Kell

'Beam Me Up'

Highly Commended >> more

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Black & White

Photo project - Competition-14

Peter Karry

'Icelandic Open Space'

Commended >> more

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Tim Burgess

'Nun’s Cross Farm'

Commended >> more

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