Sue Butler

Sue Butler

Credit: SJ Butler Photography

About Sue Butler

I’m a self taught amateur photographer & have always been interested in art and photography. My first art competition was won at the age of ten with a nature diary based on the book “Diary of an Edwardian Lady” by Edith Holden.Over the years my love of art and photography increased when I bought my Olympus Epl-5 after much deliberation & more recently Olympus OMD 5 MKIIMy style of photography is very personal to me with macro being my favourite way to capture the beauty of nature. I am always looking for the small intricate details that people just seem to pass by and focus on their individual beauty and colours.I love taking pictures of the different seasons but in Yorkshire we very rarely get any snow in the winter so each year I yearn for snow or sharp frosts! To satisfy the loss of colour in winter, I bought a light box in 2016 and have been experimenting with different ways of photography. My experimentation has lead me to taking a selection of photographs entitled Light & Ice, using flowers encased in ice to preserve everlasting beauty and stunning textures and colours. 

Winner of Bloom in York 2018IGPOTY Competition 9 Highly commended 'Snug as a Bug.'IGOPTY Competition 11 Highly commended -  ‘Green Tree.’IGPOTY Competition 13 Highly commended - 'A Tapestry of leaves'1st Capability (Brown) Colours competition 2016 

Professional roles: Blogger, Photographer, Teacher

Location: United Kingdom

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Highly Commended

Black & White - Competition 13

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Highly Commended

Wildlife in the Garden - Competition 9

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Highly Commended

Square Crop Snap Competition - Competition 11

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