Nicholas Cowling
About Nicholas Cowling
I am a self taught hobby photographer. Who threw away the holiday snapping point and shoot stuck on auto in the spring of 2015. I began my journey with a Samsung NX300 and have since upgraded to the unbelievable NX1. I predominantly aim to capture nature in all its finest, from butterflies to wild flowers and everything in between. I am currently obsessed with bokeh, shallow depth of field and all things small. Acquiring a Kiron 105mm f/2.8 macro prime lens started my love affair for vintage glass. My collection now consists of aCarl Zeiss Jena 'Pancolar' 50mm f/1.8 Helios 44-2 58mm f/2Helios 44M 58mm f/2Steinheil Munchen 'Cassar S' 50mm f/2.8LZOS Jupiter 9 85mm f/2
2 images shortlisted for the 2016 British Wildlife Photography Awards.3 images shortlisted for the 2017 British Wildlife Photography Awards.
Professional roles: None of the above
Location: United Kingdom