Marcel Krummrich
About Marcel Krummrich
Everywhere I go, I see things that move me.
Sometimes it is the special shape of a fruit, the opening of a flower, the patina of an object or the weathering of a wall. Sometimes they have faded, the plaster is already off or the shape does not correspond to the norm. All of these things are beautiful to me.
For me, these things tell of life, of the cycle of life, of their own lives, their changes and are also examples of ours.
Born in Erfurt in 1971
since 1995 working as a photographer for local newspapers and magazines
from 1997 commissioned photographer for advertising agencies and in the cultural sector
2004 Full-time photographer
In 2005 he began studying at Arno Fischer's school for photography on Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin
In 2007 he switched to the Ostkreuz School for Photography in Ute Mahler's class
2008 Completion of artistic photography training with Robert Lyons
2009 grant from the Sparkassenstiftung Hessen-Thüringen / Willingshausen
2014 Admission to the Association of Fine Artists in Thuringia
2018 grant for contemporary art from the Free State of Thuringia
2021 Special scholarship for artists Thuringia / BMW Group funding
Professional roles: Photographer
Location: Germany