Jörg Franzen

Jörg Franzen

About Jörg Franzen

The pocket camera for his communion laid the foundation for his passion for photography. This was followed by an old manual viewfinder camera (Voigtländer VITO CL), various analogue SLR cameras equipped with slide film (Minolta), the switch to digital in 2005 (Konica Minolta, Sony) and finally the entry into full format (Sony). As a geographer based in Berlin, he likes nature photography, but also allows himself excursions into technology and architecture. The post-processing of his images is done in Capture One Pro, often in combination with the Nik Collection.The cameras I use: Sony Alpha 7R V, Sony Alpha 7R III

Professional roles: None of the above

Location: Germany



Highly Commended

The Beauty of plants - Competition 16

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Wildlife in the Garden - Competition-14

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