Izzy Hutchison
About Izzy Hutchison
I use a Lecia D-Lux compact camera for ease of use because it is light but offers an excellent image, but for more serious photography I use my D700 Nikon SLR with various lenses, and I also use my phone. I love walking and studying the landscape, choosing particular trees to portray in all their glory, I particularly like their feet and how firmly planted they are into the ground. I like studying the landscape and understanding its history, how it has been changed over the centuries by man in his need to survive, and what features are typical of it, relating to its situation and therefore the nature of it and its soil. I aim to try and record this for posterity as well as to show off its beauty in different lights and time of day.
I regard myself as a semi-professional painter and photographer, with a love of creating images of all kinds in different mediums, using photography has been integral to my practise. I am a self-taught artist who has worked to commission for many years now, painting portraits mostly, and I studied photography at Westminster University as a mature student being awarded a first-class BA (hons). I have also worked in the PR industry photographing events and people, and at one time I photographed children in the days of analogue photography, printing up the images in a lab. I have a number photo library images on sale with Alamy, some of which have been published in National newspapers, brochures and text books.
Professional roles: Blogger, Photographer
Location: United Kingdom