
Donkey's Ears

Discovery in Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Donkey's Ears by Claudia Gaupp

Image details - Donkey's Ears

Photographer: Claudia Gaupp (see profile)
Competition: Competition 17
Category: Discovery in Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Location: Cambridge University Botanic Garden, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom


There are so many interesting varieties of snowdrops to discover at Cambridge University Botanic Garden, but the variety – Galanthus nivalis Scharlockii Group, in the glasshouse – caught my attention. Typical for this cultivar are green markings on the outer area of the petals, and the long, slightly twisted split spathe which has transformed into two separate leaves, which has earned it the common name of donkey's or hare's ears snowdrop. Selected parts of the petals are comprised of multiple images, manually focus stacked together.


Commended - Discovery in Cambridge University Botanic Garden