
Wet Cyanotype of Maple Leaves

The Beauty of plants
Wet Cyanotype of Maple Leaves by Marlene Finlayson

Image details - Wet Cyanotype of Maple Leaves

Photographer: Marlene Finlayson (see profile)
Competition: Competition 16
Category: The Beauty of Plants
Location: Powys, Wales, United Kingdom


Wet cyanotype of Acer (maple) leaves from my garden. This image was created using traditional cyanotype chemicals and other household products such as soap bubbles, vinegar and salt. Paper was coated with the chemicals and placed on a sheet of glass, the maple leaves were arranged in a vertical design, to create a strong composition.

A layer of soap suds was spread over the leaves and sprayed with white vinegar and sprinkled with salt. Another sheet of glass was placed on top and secured with clips. Then, it was all left out in the sun for several hours to develop. The leaves were then removed from the paper, and the paper washed thoroughly. When dry, I photographed the paper (cyanotype) with my DSLR.


Commended - The Beauty of Plants