
Atlantic Pinks

Changing Coastlines
Atlantic Pinks by Adam Burton

Image details - Atlantic Pinks

Photographer: Adam Burton
Competition: Competition 8
Category: Changing Coastlines
Location: Devon, England, United Kingdom


Sea pink wildflowers (Armeria maritima) cling precariously to the cliff tops of south west England in late spring, giving a beautiful splash of colour to the coastline. This location provided not only the best carpet of plants I had encountered but also a perfect matching sky. On the drive up to this location I almost turned around and drove home. The visibility was poor, the sky was hazy and washed out, which left me with low expectations for an atmospheric coastal photograph. However, upon reaching the cliffs I was delighted when I noticed a moody dark sky out to sea. It not only promised a colourful sunset, but delivered one too!


2nd place - Changing Coastlines