Joanna Smith
About Joanna Smith
I am a visual artist who earlier this year decided to dedicate my creativity to working on teaching myself digital phototography and editing skills, in particular working on making monochrome images in my garden and immediate neighbourhood. I use a Canon DSLR with 60mm Macro, alongside my Nikon bridge camera and my iphone7, working intuitively, responding with immediacy to my ideas. Since moving to rural Norfolk a few years ago, I have developed a passion for gardening and an appreciative joy for the variety of wildlife, flora and fauna. I am motivated to make photographs when I see shadows and reflections, energised by intense sunlight and contrast. I try to capture my experience of the inherent qualities of things, the fragililty, the weight, the textures etc.
Many years ago I graduated from University of Hertfordshire with BA(hons): Fine Art; and University East London with MA: Art in Architecture. I aim to be forever curious, enquiring and creative.
Professional roles: Photographer
Location: United Kingdom