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Floramedia is proud to support IGPOTY, because of its objective to present the beauty of plants and nature to the end-consumer.

All professional activities of Floramedia are led by the objective to inspire garden lovers around the world. They believe breathtaking photography is generating an even closer relationship between people and nature.

The Floramedia organisation was established in 1957 by a plant photographer and a lithographer. The initial business idea was to replace drawings on seed packets by photographs. At this time it was the start of the largest organisation offering marketing and packaging solutions all over the world.

The core business of Floramedia is still images of plants, gardens and lifestyle scenes. A network of 10 companies owned in Europe and 15 partners overseas are offering these images in marketing and concept solutions in more than 45 countries around the world. The European offices are based in the United Kingdom (Colchester), Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, and Poland.

Floramedia's HQ is based in Westzaan (The Netherlands) in the North of Amsterdam. Besides the four employed photographers and six experts looking after the photo library, 250 people are providing services to the horticultural industry. The core production unit of images contains a large trial nursery and dedicated photo studio.

Floramedia Website