Special award closed
This Special award has finished for this year.
About Green Gibraltar
Whether tourist or local, Green Gibraltar is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the flora of Gibraltar through photography.
For such a small area, Gibraltar is home to diverse and unique flora which form a green environment worthy of deeper appreciation. This special award seeks to: highlight this diversity and bring it to the world’s attention, broaden public understanding of nature in Gibraltar, and showcase the botanical beauty of The Rock.
Winners of the Green Gibraltar special award in IGPOTY 10 featured colourful landscapes, abstract views and beautiful macro photography. Use the existing IGPOTY categories for inspiration on what to photograph and in what style.
Prizes & Why should I enter?
The winners of the special award will go on to form part of the IGPOTY exhibition at The Alameda from July 2018*. Winners will also be featured in the new IGPOTY 12 hardback book**.
Special prizes will be awarded by Gibraltar to 1st, 2ndand 3rdplace.***
*We cannot guarantee all highly commended and commended pictures will be exhibited – final decisions on exhibition curation are determined by the IGPOTY team.
**Normal IGPOTY rules apply. Inclusion in the book is subject to the number of entries received and is at the editor's discretion.
*** Exact prizes and/or experiences are TBC and are organised by Gibraltar.
First prize:
1 x prize copy of IGPOTY Book 12
Your image published in IGPOTY Book 12
Signed individual certificate
Your image goes on display as part of the IGPOTY exhibition at the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens
Special prizes awarded by HM Government of Gibraltar
Second prize:
1 x prize copy of IGPOTY Book 12
Your image published in IGPOTY Book 12
Signed individual certificate
Your image goes on display as part of the IGPOTY exhibition at the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens
Special prizes awarded by HM Government of Gibraltar
Third prize:
1 x prize copy of IGPOTY Book 12
Your image published in IGPOTY Book 12
Signed individual certificate
Your image goes on display as part of the IGPOTY exhibition at the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens
Special prizes awarded by HM Government of Gibraltar
Competition details
How do I enter?
To enter the competition email your entries to:
or contact the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Climate Change on 20050294
Entries will then be passed to International Garden Photographer of the Year for judging. All normal IGPOTY rules and codes of practice apply.
Submission guidance
- Entrants' images must be .jpg or .jpeg format and of high enough quality.
- We recommend all images are output to 1920px on their longest side at 72 ppi. Higher resolution images will be requested if your image is shortlisted.
- All entrants must be able to supply a high-res image (300dpi) suitable for printing/exhibiting should the image be shortlisted. You may be asked for this when the time comes. We can help you with this if need be.
- Entrants may submit a maximum of 8 images.
*Only images taken in Gibraltar are permitted for entry in this award.
Normal IGPOTY rules apply relating to rights and permissions, please read here
For help please visit our Frequently-Asked-Questions page.