
Wilderness Wildflowers

Wildflower Landscapes
Wilderness Wildflowers by Louise Fairfax

Image details - Wilderness Wildflowers

Photographer: Louise Fairfax
Competition: Competition-14
Category: Wildflower Landscapes
Location: Walls of Jerusalem National Park, Tasmania, Australia


I selected this spot on the map and hoped that all my hunches about its promise were good. I was a bit late in the year for the full colour of the Tasmanian endemic plant - Richea scoparia (which had nearly finished), but there was enough colour to please me, especially with the beautiful green ground cover of the Donatia novae-zelandiae (cushion plant).

My basecamp tent was only a few hundred metres away, nearer to some water for drinking. This place, as with most of the locations I frequent, involved overnight camping, as the Tasmanian wilderness is both large and remote.


3rd place - Wildflower Landscapes